William "Buddy" Scarborough's New Book, Gendered Places and More | Department of Sociology
December 18, 2023

William "Buddy" Scarborough's New Book, Gendered Places and More

William "Buddy" Scarborough has recently published Gendered Places (2023) that "...provides a long-overdue accounting of variability in gender beliefs within the United States," According to Maria Charles, Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and coauthor of Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men.

Scarborough also "...reveals the complex and sometimes surprising ways that gender works across cities and regions," according to Krista E. Paulsen, Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Community Development at Boise State University, and coauthor of Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experience.

Here's the abstract of the book:

Every place has its quirky attributes, cultural reputation, and distinctive flair. But when we travel across America, do we also experience distinct gender norms and expectations? In his groundbreaking Gendered Places, William Scarborough examines metropolitan commuting zones to see how each region's local culture reflects gender roles and gender equity. He uses surveys and social media data to measure multiple dimensions of gender norms, including expectations toward women in leadership, attitudes toward working mothers, as well as the division of household labor.

Gendered Places reveals that different locations, even within the same region of the country, such as Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin, have distinct gender norms and highly influential cultural environments. Scarborough shows how these local norms shape the attitudes and behaviors of residents with implications on patterns of inequality such as the gender wage gap. His findings offer valuable insight for community leaders and organizers making efforts to promote equality in their region.

Scarborough recognizes local culture as not value-neutral, but highly crucial to the gender structure that perpetuates, or challenges, gender inequality. Gendered Places questions how these gender norms are sustained and their social consequences.

For more information, visit the book's page on Temple University Press: https://tupress.temple.edu/books/gendered-places

In addition to this wonderful publication, Dr. Scarborough has also contributed meaningful chapters to these other works listed below:

Via, E., Rodriguez, D. G., Jackson, N., Risman, B., Scarborough, W. J. (2023). Beyond Sons and Daughters: Nonbinary Experiences with Family. Families as They Really Are, edited by Virginia Rutter, Kristi Williams, and Barbara Risman. Norton Press.

Scarborough, W. J., Pepin, J. (2023). In Other Words: People Are Not as Consistent in Their Social Ideologies as We Think: Changing Views on Gender and Race, 1977-2018. Families as They Really Are, edited by Virginia E. Rutter, Kristi Williams, and Barbara Risman.

Congrats to Dr. Scarborough for his consistent hard work in the field of Sociology!