SOCI 1510 - Introduction to Sociology

Social and cultural basis for human behavior; impact of societal groups and organizations on personal identity, feelings and actions; influence on the self in relation to the family, peer groups, social classes, religion and social institutions. Satisfies liberal arts and social sciences core social science requirements. Required of all sociology majors.

SOCI 1520 - Contemporary Social Problems

Conditions disruptive to society today, both those seen as problematic as a whole and those that violate the norms of special groups in society; includes population, poverty, minorities, crime, drugs, sexual deviance, mental illness, changing family patterns and violence. Satisfies liberal arts and social sciences core social science requirements. Advised for students planning sociology graduate work.

SOCI 2010 - Race, Class, Gender and Ethnicity

Social, cultural and economic perspectives on Native, African-, Asian- and Mexican-Americans; emphasizes work and family patterns for both women and men, racism and sexism, and contemporary movements for equality.

SOCI 2050 - Sociology of Sport

Study of social behavior in sport, with particular emphasis on its relationship to the cultural perspectives of socialization, minorities, economics, politics and current issues.

SOCI 2070 - Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations

Introduction to the basic theories within current and historical race and ethnicity relations. Includes examination of evidence of continuing prejudice, institutional discrimination and modern forms of racism. Other topics include assimilation, pluralism, the contact hypothesis, anti-racism, immigration, segregation and racial identity. Required for all ethnic studies minors.

SOCI 2996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

Research experience conducted by a freshman or sophomore honors student under the supervision of a faculty member.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; freshman or sophomore class status; consent of Honors College dean.
May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

SOCI 3000 - Sociology of Marriage and Family

Interpersonal dynamics of marriage and family life; role and influence of the family as both a powerful primary group and as a social institution in society; current status of families in the United States plus cross-cultural and historical patterns. Advised for students planning sociology graduate work.

SOCI 3110 - Sociology of Mental Health, Mental Illness and Mental Health Care

Effects of social stresses and social integration on the mental health of various age, sex, ethnic and other groups within society; the mental health care system and problems of access to that system among different subgroups in the population.

SOCI 3120 - Sociology of Health and Illness

Effects of social factors, such as age, sex, race and social class, on health and illness; differential access to health care services among subgroups of the U.S. population, including Blacks, Hispanics, Indians and the elderly; strains in the organization of the health care delivery system.

SOCI 3200 - Sociological Theory

Survey of development of sociological theory; emphasizes nature and types of contemporary theory. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1510 or equivalent. Required of all sociology majors.

SOCI 3220 - Quantitative Data Collection

Principles and procedures, sources of data, techniques of collection and analysis of quantitative data. Focus on survey research, secondary data analysis and other quantitative methods.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1510 and advanced (junior or senior) standing.
Required of all BS with a major in sociology majors. A grade of C or better in this course is required for graduation.

SOCI 3240 - Qualitative Research Methods

Principles and procedures, sources of data, techniques of collection and analysis of qualitative data. Focus on how sociologists use face-to-face interviewing, participant observation, focus groups and other qualitative methods.
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1510 and advanced (junior or senior) standing.
Required of all BS with a major in sociology majors. A grade of C or better in this course is required for graduation.

SOCI 3280 - Quantitative Data Analysis

Role of quantitative methods in social research; application of quantitative techniques and procedures to social data, statistical inference; data processing.
Prerequisite(s): For BS majors: SOCI 3220 or equivalent; for BA majors: SOCI 3260 or equivalent.
Required of all sociology majors. Restricted to sociology majors only.

SOCI 3300 - Urban Sociology

Rise of the city; ecological distribution and processes; suburb and metropolitan areas; trends in urbanization.
Advised for students planning sociology graduate work.

SOCI 3330 - Social Inequality and Stratification

Bases of social differentiation; status, power and mobility in social systems; influence of stratification on behavior; class structure in the United States.
Advised for students planning sociology graduate work.

SOCI 3550 - Social Movements

Human behavior in sporadic and unstructured situations; theories and case studies of rumors, crowds, panics, riots, disasters, fads and crazes; links among collective behavior episodes, social movements and social change.

SOCI 3560 - Sociology of Disasters

Introduction to the study of human response to disaster events, including political and economic factors influencing vulnerability. Case studies of major disasters are used to explore topics such as the impact of gender, class, ethnicity and age on vulnerability, response, and impacts; the effects of larger political and economic systems on disaster response; and the relationship of disasters to social change.

SOCI 3600 - The Multiracial Family

Academic study of the dynamics found in multiracial families. Important concepts in race/ethnicity studies such as assimilation, racial identity and pluralism. Other topics include passing, one-drop rule, interracial dating/marriage, bi- or multiracial identity and transracial adoption.

SOCI 3630 - Drugs, Crime and Society

Examines the relationship between drugs, crime and human behavior. Explores the relationship between drug abuse and crime and the policy proposals developed to control drug trafficking, drug abuse, and drug-related crime, as well as the multi-faceted aspects and effects of chemical abuse and dependency.

SOCI 3700 - Sociology of Religion

Review of the common sociological dimensions of all religions such as moral definitions, group membership and dynamics, prescribed ritual practices and definitions of the sacred. An examination of sociologists contributing to the field such as Durkheim and Weber. Includes a sociological analysis of selected major world religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.

SOCI 3800 - Sociology of Work

Social behavior and performance in the workplace beginning at the emergence of the industrial revolution through current workplace arrangements (e.g., work teams). Special topics covered include discrimination in the workplace (e.g., race, age, gender), the relationship between work and family, work alienation, welfare and work, women and work, and unions. Implications for counselors, managers, union organizers, city planners and policy makers.

SOCI 3996 - Honors College Mentored Research Experience

Research experience conducted by an honors student with at least junior standing under the supervision of a faculty member.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Honors College; at least junior class status; consent of Honors College dean.
May only be taken once for Honors College credit.

SOCI 4160 - Developing Societies

Changing culture and institutions -- family, population, religion, work and politics -- in developing nations in South and Central America, Asia, and Africa; impact of industrial nations on societies experiencing rapid urban, bureaucratic, technological and industrial growth; implications for war and peace in the world.

SOCI 4170 - Environmental Sociology

Examines how a community's physical environment, economic development, and social conditions (e.g., health and equity) affect one another by examining the history and development of the environmental movement in the U.S and internationally, including public policies that have hindered or assisted sustainable community development.

SOCI 4210 - Intersectionality

Explores the interrelation and co-construction of systems of inequality to engage with intersectionality as an analytical framework for examining power and class stratification. Topics include systems of race, gender, and class stratification.

SOCI 4240 - Sociology of Sexuality

Sexuality and how it is perceived, defined and experienced in the context of society. Course explores sexuality as a social and historical construction and focuses on how sexuality influences our lives as reflected in social norms, attitudes and beliefs, and through public and private policies and practices.

SOCI 4250 - Gender and Society

Analyzes gender as a major social institution which intersects with all other institutions, especially the family, work, religion, politics and education. Stresses programs to change the unequal treatment of women and men in these areas. Surveys contemporary changes and cultural variability in gender role definitions.

SOCI 4260 - Topics in Sociology

Investigation, analysis and discussion of a significant, contemporary topic.
May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

SOCI 4340 - Social Psychology and Behavior in the Social Environment

Social and cultural bases of diverse human behavior; social matrix of personality, organization and disorganization.
Advised for students planning sociology graduate work.

SOCI 4350 - Community Organization

Principles of community organization and disorganization; agencies and programs dealing with contemporary problems facing the community.

SOCI 4450 - The Family in Later Life

Later stages in the family life cycle are surveyed with emphasis on changing family composition, role transitions and support systems.

SOCI 4500 - Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence

Practical focus on socialization, parenting and educational strategies in childhood and adolescence, and upon the social factors, agencies and institutions (particularly education) affecting children and adolescents in modern society.

SOCI 4540 - Race and Ethnic Minorities

Conditions and distribution of race and ethnic minorities; socio-psychological and cultural factors in race and ethnic relations; pattern of relations in the United States with emphasis on the Southwest and on social services.

SOCI 4550 - Sociology of Aging

Twenty-somethings, generation Xers, baby boomers--all will be senior citizens sooner or later. Their sex, race/ethnicity, and social class will affect their experience of aging. Course explores issues related to successful aging, including what young adults should be doing now to ensure that they have happy, healthy, wealthy, and creative golden years.

SOCI 4580 - Immigration and Race in Contemporary U.S.

Immigration, the movement of people from their native lands to foreign lands, has become more significant today than ever. It impacts both homelands and non-native lands. In the United States, the immigrant population is growing and its impact has become more noticeable. About 13 percent of the U.S. population is foreign-born. Most of these foreign-born are from non-European countries unlike their previous counterparts who were mostly of European origin. Today, more than 80 percent of immigrants come from Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Examines the contemporary immigrant groups, how these immigrants incorporate into American society and ways the U.S. is transformed by their presence. In fact, the United States is no longer a black-white society, but has become a society with multiple racial and ethnic groups.

SOCI 4600 - Internet and Society

Social consequences of the internet and information technology; impacts on everyday life, family life, identity, social networks, social inequalities, and politics.

SOCI 4620 - Sociology of Culture

What is culture? How do cultures shape individuals, nations and economies? What kinds of social processes influence cultural production and consumption (art, music, literature, movies, television)? Looks at questions of culture through a sociological lens, and at society through a cultural lens. Most readings are from cultural sociology and the sociology of culture, but anthropology, literary criticism, philosophy and cultural history are also discussed.

SOCI 4630 - Deviance and Control

Introduction to the basic sociological theories regarding deviance and control. Includes how meanings around deviance are socially constructed and often experience change over time. Topics include social control, constructionism, moral panics, and moral entrepreneurs.

SOCI 4650 - Sociology of Education

Explores the role of education and schooling in society, educational inequalities in the U.S., global comparisons of schooling, and educational policy from a sociological perspective.

SOCI 4750 - World Population Trends and Problems

Patterns of population growth; trends of fertility and mortality; migration; social and economic consequences of population change.

SOCI 4850 - Applied Research and Careers in Sociology

Sociology majors apply core sociological concepts to develop a data-driven project, attain marketable skills in accessing and analyzing data, and explore careers.

Prerequisite(s): C or better in SOCI 3280 or equivalent. Prerequisite can be waived with consent of instructor.

SOCI 4900 - Special Problems

SOCI 4910 - Special Problems

SOCI 4950 - Sociology Internship

Supervised work in a job directly related to the student's major, professional field of study or career objective.
Prerequisite(s): Junior/Senior status and at least 12 credit hours in Sociology.

SOCI 4951 - Honors College Capstone Thesis

Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College.
May be substituted for HNRS 4000. Course may be taken only once for Honors College credit.