Sycamore 201B
Office Hours: TuTh 11:00-12:30, 1:00-1:50 and by appointment
Research Interests: Dr. Matthew Painter is interested in racial/ethnic inequality in the United States. The main emphasis of his research has been the examination of wealth inequality among new immigrants. Other research projects have focused on race/ethnicity and policing, skin tone inequality, and white ethnic diversity. His work has appeared in Demography, Social Forces, Social Problems, The Sociological Quarterly, and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Recent Publications:
Holmes, Malcolm D. and Matthew A. Painter II. Forthcoming. "Hispanic Threat and Police
Strength in U.S. Municipalities: The Moderating Influences of Nativity and Region." Social Problems.
Painter II, Matthew A. and Jennifer Tabler. 2022. "BMI among New U.S. Immigrants: Skin Tone, Race/Ethnic, and Sex Differences." Ethnicity & Disease. 32(4):315-24.
Painter II, Matthew A. 2022. "Voluntary Association Participation and White Ethnic Diversity in Rural Iowa Communities." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 51(6):1475-98.