Matthew Painter
Professor, Chair of the Department of Sociology
Office: Sycamore 201B
Office Hours: TuTh 11:00-12:30, 1:00-1:50 and by appointment
Fields: Immigration, Social Stratification, Race/Ethnicity, Wealth Inequality
Education: Ph.D., 2010, The Ohio State University
Research Interests: Dr. Matthew Painter is interested in racial/ethnic inequality in the United States.
The main emphasis of his research has been the examination of wealth inequality among
new immigrants. Other research projects have focused on race/ethnicity and policing,
skin tone inequality, and white ethnic diversity. His work has appeared in Demography, Social Forces, Social Problems, The Sociological Quarterly, and the Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies.
Selected Publications:
Painter II, Matthew A. and Jennifer Tabler. 2022. "BMI among New U.S. Immigrants: Skin Tone, Race/Ethnic, and Sex Differences." Ethnicity & Disease. 32(4):315-24.